Our Blog
Vegan on a Budget
Vegan on a Budget There is a big misconception that being vegan is more expensive – this needn't be the case! Of course, if you choose to purchase and consume lots of the fancier meat-alternatives and vegan Ben and Jerry's ice cream, yes, you may end up spending more...
Useful Vegan Apps
Useful Vegan Apps There are many apps that you can download to your phone that ware indeed very useful! 1) Happy CowHappy Cow is a classic app that allows you to search for vegan-friendly restaurants in any area. This is perfect for when you are travelling (when we...
“Where do you get your protein?”
"Where do you get your protein?" One thing that vegans often get asked is 'where do you get your protein?'Unfortunately, most of us have been raised to believe that we need to eat meat for protein and to drink cow's milk for calcium (another blog on this coming up!),...
Recipe Websites
Vegan Recipe WebsiteThere are so many amazing websites dedicated to vegan recipes these days! Gone are the days of finding a recipe and then brainstorming how you can adapt it to make it vegan. These days just by Google searching “[Dish] Vegan Recipe”, you'll get so...
A Vegan Guide to Vitamin B12
A Vegan Guide to Vitamin B12 A well-planned vegan diet is healthy, according to the world's leading health professionals, but as part of being 'well-planned', a vegan diet must contain a reliable source of vitamin B12. This may seem daunting, but in fact it is rather...
Going Vegan for the Planet
Going Vegan for the PlanetThere are many reasons for going vegan; doing your bit to help the planet is one very significant one! We all know that our planet is in a desperate state - and we try our best to reduce our impact upon the environment. But what does this...
Vegan Health: An Interview with Dr. Michael Greger
Vegan Health: An Interview with Dr. Michael GregerI had the pleasuring of ‘speaking’ to Dr. Michael Greger in order to get his expert opinion on going vegan and the health benefits of doing so. Who is Dr. Michael Greger? A founding member and Fellow of the American...
Going Vegan for the Animals
Going Vegan for the Animals There are many reasons people give for wanting to go vegan, but most people do so because they want to reduce animal suffering. This was certainly the case with me. My vegan storyI turned vegetarian at a pretty young age after finding out...
A Vegan Guide to Reading Labels
A Vegan Guide to Reading Labels As you have decided to go vegan for the month of June, I have no doubt that you are currently spending more time than usual reading product labels. There are few things more annoying than having to spend a large amount of time reading...
Welcome to the Summer Vegan Pledge 2021!
Welcome to the Summer Vegan Pledge 2021! Today marks the start of the Summer Vegan Pledge 2021! It's great to have you on board and I hope you will get a lot out of this month. On this website, as I'm sure you've noticed, you will find a plethora of recipes and...