by Tod Bradbury | Jun 30, 2021 | Summer pledge
Thank You for Participating in The Summer Vegan Pledge 2021! Congratulations on completing the Summer Vegan Pledge! Hundreds of people signed up to take part in this year’s Summer Vegan Pledge. I hope that you have enjoy the experience and have found it useful and...
by Tod Bradbury | Jun 29, 2021 | Summer pledge
How to Support Animal Aid As the Summer Vegan Pledge comes to a close, I just wanted to tell you a little bit more about Animal Aid. You may not be aware of Animal Aid’s work outside of the Summer Vegan Pledge. Animal Aid was established in 1977, making it one of the...
by Tod Bradbury | Jun 28, 2021 | Summer pledge
Is Veganism Healthy? Throughout the month, these blogs have covered various aspects of veganism, so to round this off, let’s talk about veganism and health. As you may have seen, one of the first blogs was an interview with Dr. Michael Greger. I won’t repeat it all...
by Tod Bradbury | Jun 27, 2021 | Summer pledge
Vegan Networking One thing that is often a struggle or a barrier for new vegans is the lack of support or other vegans around them. Luckily there are now ways in which you can meet other like-minded people. Social Media Groups You can find people in your area who are...
by Tod Bradbury | Jun 26, 2021 | Summer pledge
Vegan Dinner Ideas It’s dinner time – what are you having? Stir-fryStir-fry is such an easy meal to make! It’s great for when you have a bunch of veggies left over in your fridge that need using up. Throw the veggies in a wok or frying pan, add some tofu or vegan...